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Cake for Work

By 1st July 2011News

Yes, it is official as part of “Start Up Britain” and to encourage the wider acceptance of work based learning we are now offering week long work experience for those who bake cake. Jess (see pictured with her amazing triple decker chocolate, cream, malteser and marshmallow extravaganza) is coming to an end of her week. She has been fabulous, a great asset to the team, has got thoroughly stuck in including brainstorms on new marketing campaigns, research for global fruit growers, working with the design team and sourcing images of penguins!

“Our cake based approach to entrepreneurship is adding value to the UK’s GDP” commented a chocolate mouth surrounded head of cake marking at OWB, Stu Williams “we noticed that the introduction of the ‘cakeometer’ shows that Jess is leading with Vicky W (July 2009) coming in second…albeit Sammie’s rum cake was alcohol fuelled…”