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LinkedIn Lead Generation strategy

By 12th April 2018News

Are you making the most out of LinkedIn? We often hear feedback from clients that LinkedIn is beginning to turn into Facebook, with people sharing images and clickbait. However, what most of us are not aware of is the free search tool built within the platform. It allows the user to connect with their target audience effectively. Our LinkedIn Lead generation strategy will help you generate new contacts.
So how does it work? As an example we have used a marketing agency in Birmingham trying to sell marketing service; the strategy below could work for any industry.
If you spend on average 10 minutes a day following the step by step guide below you will gain new business contacts, which in turn will bring in new leads for your business.

  1. In the top navigation menu bar – click on search
  2. Then search for ‘people’
  3. Click on all filters, you can now search for 1st / 2nd/ 3rd + connections even by location, for example Birmingham

4. In title, fill in your target audience job….for example head of marketing, as they would be interested in marketing services


  1. Now send an invitation to people you would like to connect with.
  2. Make sure you personalise your message, as this will increase your chance of success. The invitation message should state the reason on why you would like to connect and how you can help them in the near future. If you have met your contact in person it is worth mentioning this where and when you met, this will also increase the chance of the connection being accepted.
  3. Spend 10 minutes a day on engaging with your connections, this includes commenting, sharing, liking their posts but also starting a conversation.

Are you looking to maximise your social media presence and more leads? Speak to our team today and find out how we can assist!